A Third Way is a series of courses I’ve created all about the concept of “Light,” which I’ve spent over a decade researching in the Bible. As it turns out, Light is not only an extensive subject in the Bible, but when studied through thoroughly, it reveals major personal and theological implications to the student. In fact, this research has surfaced an altogether third way to See the Text. What do I mean?

People tend to think that if someone disagrees with the evangelical/American Church’s understanding of the Bible (from its assumed premise to its most basic theology)…

-They cannot also believe every word of the Bible is inspired and inerrant (breathed-out by God and without error)…
-They cannot also believe the Bible can be read literally (taking into consideration its literary styles, inherent structure, & tools for interpreting itself, of course)…
-They must also be “liberal” (or “conservative”…)
-They cannot also believe all of the Text applies to our lives (considering we are understanding it well)
-They must be a heretic
-They must not know the Bible at least as thoroughly if not more thoroughly than those who will call them a heretic do…
-They are definitely going to be punished by God…
-They cannot also see in it something that entirely works…
-They cannot also see in it something that completely checks out under the most intense scrutiny…
-They cannot also still love God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with all their being.

But do you know, I (and any of us!!) can see a different message in the text at the same time that NONE of these are true?

This does NOT mean I believe every passage means 2 or more things. Not at all!!

This means I have done enough work in the Text itself to recognize the evangelical interpretation of it is missing a lot of important nuance that's there.

And I talk about it because how could I not?

What if Erin Brockovich had never spoken up about the groundwater contamination in her city? Or if no one ever spoke up about how eating pesticides on our food is harmful for our health? Thats how I feel.

I can't not speak up about this.

It's harmed and is harming too many people. And unfortunately, it's *very* hard to see when you're still in it. (I know this from personal experience.)

So I have to talk.

The thing is, there's a very safe third way. Sometimes we don't look elsewhere because the seemingly only *other* place to look feels bad or wrong, and I get that. But it's not evangelicalism or you must apostatize. It's not *this* reading of the Text or you must throw out your Bible.

There is a third way we usually haven't seen or considered yet.

To find it can feel like passing through a narrow gate or threading a camel through the eye of a needle though. Because our world speaks in dualism: It's this or that and that's all there is.

This is the perception of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. Good. And evil. Two ways.

But the Tree of Life? This is a third way that is completely *other* than the previous other two.

So, Genesis called this the “Tree of Life.”

Jesus called this third way "The Kingdom."

I'm calling it, simply, "A Third Way."

It can feel like you have to pull back a very heavy, very thick veil that contains all the thoughts of this world, to see it, but alas, it is always there, just waiting for us to pull back that veil.

This is why I've decided to title this 3-course series A Third Way. Throughout every course, I teach you how to pull back the thick, heavy veil of dualistic thinking, so you can then see “a third way" of understanding the ancient Text of Scripture for yourself.

If you've known that you've known all along that there MUST be a third way, even if you haven't said it like that or been able to find it... this series is for you! If you’ve been looking for answers, this series doesn’t just give you one small answer by one small answer that you have to piece together to start formulating your new perspective, it zooms out, and gives you an entire framework to help you adjust more quickly and feel established sooner.

Because the sooner you can feel grounded again the better.

Course 1 is called ‘When God Created Light,’ and is a 6-lesson class all about the premise of the Bible—which is always what we build the rest of our theology upon, and therefore is of utmost importance to make sure we have understood really, really, really well.

Course 2 is the sequel to Course 1, and is called ‘When Man Becomes Light.’ It is a 5-lesson class all about Jesus—if we are Light, and never turned “bad” but were deceived (an important distinction I explain in Course 1), then what did Jesus come for and do? We examine this in Course 2, along with why he was called “the Anointed.”

Course 3 will be coming out in 2025. With the theological foundation laid, this class is going to be largely practical—it’ll be all about how to walk in this third way, that is, how to walk in the Light we really are!

Each lesson in these pick-your-own-pricing classes are between 30 and 50 minutes long (its honestly like watching a tv mini-series), include beautifully designed outlines, charts, and diagrams to follow along with, and feature follow-up bonus videos in which Lindsay Teague Moreno and I discuss and answer students’ questions. All in all, these courses are doable, relatable, and yet, entirely profound.

With that, explore Course 1 and 2 by tapping on the images below! (Oh! And yes, they do need to be taken in order.)

I'm excited to see you in class!